openstack 创建虚拟机的时候报错: Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling.].
错误: 实例 "test-gtj" 执行所请求操作失败,实例处于错误状态。: 请稍后再试 [错误: Build of instance 5ea8c935-ee07-4788-823f-10e2b003ca89 aborted: Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling.].
#Fail instance boot if vif plugging fails
vif_plugging_is_fatal = False
#Number of seconds to wait for neutron vif
#plugging events to arrive before continuing or failing
#(see vif_plugging_is_fatal). If this is set to zero and
#vif_plugging_is_fatal is False, events should not be expected to arrive at all.
vif_plugging_timeout = 0
[root@linux-node2 ~]# systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute.service
关于vmware esxi 5.1安装MegaCLI工具
docker WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work.
使用 Shipyard 部署 Docker 图形化
docker 使用网桥实现跨主机容器链接
docker创建 私有仓库
docker 镜像构建Dockerfile
docker 安装部署及常用命令
解决 Docker pull 出现的 error pulling image configuration: Get
cinder创建云硬盘的时候 出现 cinder-volume | linux-node2@lvm | nova | enabled | down | 2017-04-26T22:45:47.